Student PIRGs Internship Application Form

For the last 35 years, the Student PIRGs have run targeted efforts that have contributed significantly to increasing youth voter participation. Since 1984, the Student PIRGs’ New Voters Project has helped register more than 2 million young people to vote, and made more than 3 million personalized GOTV contacts, while training thousands of students in the citizenship, leadership, and campaigning skills necessary to run mobilization and turnout campaigns to encourage their peers to participate in our democracy.


Our goal this year is to help over 50,000 students register to vote and make over 250,000 get out the vote contacts to make sure they have a plan to vote. In order to set up our campuses to run massive voter registration drives this coming fall, we have to work with student leaders, student governments, faculty, and administrators to create civic engagement plans for their campus this summer. With the possibility of classes being online this fall, it is important we make plans to help register, educate, and turn out students in an online setting.

New Voters Project Internship

Responsibilities include:

  • Gain firsthand experience into the campaigning process
  • Sharpen your communication skills by working with the media
  • Learn to develop and run an effective campaign
  • Gain experience recruiting and working with volunteers
  • Learn to build a coalition and work with coalition partners


Communication Skills
Improve your public speaking and writing skills, and learn how to work with the media to get media coverage. Get experience speaking in front of groups and advocating a position one-on-one.

Leadership Skills
Learn how to run meetings, work with teams, outreach to VIPs, develop other leaders, and manage your time.

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